Spanish Job Interviews: Essential Tips & Common Questions | Newsdle

Spanish Job Interviews: Essential Tips & Common Questions


Job interviews can be challenging or at least a little stressful, especially if they're held in a language you're still learning. Doubts such as “Will I understand everything they’ll say?” or “How do you say “Nice to meet you” in Spanish, again?” easily add up to any other usual interview tensions.

This is what this article actually tackles and it will help you through the process, providing essential tips and tactics to nail those Spanish interviews with confidence.

Let's turn those nerves into expertise!

Jobs in Spanish: Make Sure to Apply for the Right One

When looking for work in Spanish-speaking countries, foreigners and expats frequently consider professions mainly related to their mother-tongue or language expertise, such as customer service representative, translator or interpreter, and language teacher.

However, there are many more types of professions that may fit your talent better, such as:

  • Abogado/Abogada → Lawyer
  • Doctor/Doctora → Doctor
  • Ingeniero/Ingeniera → Engineer
  • Enfermero/Enfermera → Nurse
  • Arquitecto/Arquitecta → Architect
  • Vendedor/Vendedora → Salesperson
  • Cajero/Cajera → Cashier
  • Recepcionista → Receptionist
  • Secretario/Secretaria → Secretary
  • Cocinero/Cocinera → Cook/Chef
  • Desarrollador/Desarrolladora de Software → Software Developer
  • Analista de Datos → Data Analyst
  • Consultor/Consultora → Consultant
  • Periodista → Journalist
  • Diseñador/Diseñadora → Designer

Job postings frequently describe more specific job titles rather than broad professions such as attorney or engineer, such as:

  • Abogado de Derecho Laboral → Labor Lawyer
  • Ingeniero de Software → Software Engineer
  • Enfermero de Cuidados Intensivos → Intensive Care Nurse
  • Arquitecto de Paisajes → Landscape Architect
  • Gerente de Recursos Humanos → Human Resources Manager
  • Desarrollador de Aplicaciones Móviles → Mobile App Developer
  • Analista Financiero → Financial Analyst
  • Diseñador Gráfico → Graphic Designer
  • Pediatra → Paediatrician
  • Psicólogo Clínico → Clinical Psychologist
  • Analista de Datos → Data Analyst
  • Consultor de Negocios → Business Consultant
  • Especialista en Marketing Digital → Digital Marketing Specialist
  • Diseñador de Interiores → Interior Designer
  • Asistente de Investigación Médica → Medical Research Assistant

Common Interview Questions in Spanish

When it comes to HR questions, Spanish job interviews do not differ much from job interviews in any other language, so you can expect to be asked a variety of questions that assess your qualifications, experience, and fit for the position.

  • ¿Cuéntame un poco sobre ti? / ¿Qué podrías contarme de ti?

This question means "Tell me a little about yourself?" and not only is it a common ice-breaker for you and the recruiter. Your answer should be straightforward, highlighting important abilities and accomplishments that best fit the role you're applying for. For a more complete picture, provide some personality and interests.

  • ¿Cuáles son tus mayores fortalezas y debilidades?

"What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?"  can be intimidating but it actually is a good chance to stand out!

  • Fortalezas a.k.a. Strengths.

You should identify strengths that are relevant to the position you are looking for without sounding too humble or arrogant. Real-life success stories will help demonstrate how these strengths have aided your development and achievement. Divide it into two categories: technical skills, such as your ability to use specific software, and soft skills, such as communication or problem solving. Remember, honesty is essential!

  • Debilidades a.k.a. Weaknesses.

Ask yourself what a weakness might be and how you are  improving it. Don’t fall into the trap of answering “I am too honest” or “I am usually very picky”. Recruiters really want to know you so make sure you think about your true weaknesses and how you are working to improve them before going to the interview.

Examples of weaknesses can be a lack of knowledge or experience in a certain area of the job. To solve this, you can describe any courses or certificates you are pursuing to improve your skills or emphasise your collaborative attitude and willingness to learn from your peers.

  • ¿Por qué quieres trabajar aquí?

"Why do you want to work here?" allows you to express your true interest in the company and shows that you did your research before the interview!
You should prioritise things that matter to you, such as mission, culture, accomplishments or potential for growth, and highlight how your abilities may contribute to the company's success.

  • ¿Cuál es tu experiencia laboral previa?

One of the most common questions an interviewer will ask you is: "What is your previous work experience?". All they do is try to figure out what you have been doing in the past. Be straight; emphasise key positions and accomplishments.

  • ¿Dónde/Cómo te ves en cinco años?

"Where do you see yourself in five years?" seeks to assess your career objectives and aspirations. Be positive and realistic in your response, demonstrating ambition and alignment with the company's long-term goals.

  • ¿Cuál es tu mayor logro profesional?

"What is your greatest professional achievement?" This lets you show off your success and strengths. Keep your response short and focused on one example of success.

  • ¿Por qué te cambiaste de trabajo?

"Why did you change jobs?"goes broader into motivating factors for leaving previous jobs. Be truthful and emphasise positive motivations, such as seeking new challenges or prospects for advancement.

  • ¿Por qué deberíamos contratarte?

"Why should we hire you?" is your green light to pitch yourself and illustrate your worth to the company. Highlight your relevant talents, experiences, and how you can help the team succeed.

  • ¿Cuáles son tus expectativas salariales?

"What are your salary expectations?" is a way for the recruiter to understand how you value your worth and if they can afford you. Make sure you run some research and you truly know your worth before attending the interview. You can reply by giving them a range or asking them about their budget.

  • ¿Tienes alguna pregunta?

"Do you have any questions?" is your moment to express your interest in the business and the role. Prepare insightful questions about the company's culture, chances for advancement, or specific job duties… or continue reading for some ready-to-ask questions.

Which Questions YOU Should Ask In A Spanish Job Interview

Asking questions during the interview gives you the opportunity not only to get more information but also to show how curious and critical you are about certain issues. Dialogue has great power; it can really influence you and enable you to learn more about the company and its culture and future possibilities. Here are some questions you may consider asking:

  • ¿Cuál es la visión y los objetivos a corto y largo plazo de la empresa?

"What is the company's vision and what are the company's short and long-term goals?". This will give you insight into the directions and priorities of the company; therefore, your goals will be in line with those priorities, thus enabling you to see whether you will fit well in that organisation.

  • ¿Cómo describiría la cultura de la empresa?

"How would you describe the company culture?". With that information, you will be able to figure out whether you are a blend into their work environment and know the values, attitudes, and norms that shape the organisation.

  • ¿Cuáles son las principales responsabilidades y desafíos de este puesto?

"What are the key responsibilities and challenges that this position would face?" With all this in mind, it will be helpful for you to understand further the spectrum of your expectations, and hence match your skills and interest for a great performance.

  • ¿Cuál es el proceso de integración y capacitación para nuevos empleados?

"What is the onboarding and training process for new employees?". You will get to understand the methods the company uses to facilitate the new employee's integration for an easy start with his duties.

  • ¿Cuáles son las oportunidades de crecimiento profesional dentro de la empresa?

"What are the chances of professional growth within the company?". By revealing the chances of growth and development within a given company, one is able to solidify the fact that the very same company will always be in a position to benefit one's long-term career objectives and aspirations.

  • ¿Qué tipo de apoyo y recursos se proporcionan para el desarrollo profesional de los empleados?

"What kind of support and resources are provided for employee professional development?" - This is getting to be aware of the support that is available and the resources to be utilised for professional development, something akin to learning more about the attitude a given company takes towards their growth and continuous learning of their employees.

  • ¿Cómo se evalúa el desempeño de los empleados en la empresa?

"How is employee performance evaluated in the company?" - Being let in on the approach taken to employee evaluation will inform you about such issues as recognition and reward for your contribution and what the company expects from you.

  • ¿Cuál es el equilibrio entre el trabajo y la vida personal en esta empresa?

"What is the work-life balance like in this company?" - This question helps you determine whether the work-life balance in the firm is met and whether they value the well-being of their employees, helping you maintain a refreshed lifestyle.

  • ¿Cuál es el proceso de selección de candidatos y cuándo puedo esperar una respuesta sobre mi candidatura?

"What is the candidate selection process, and when can I expect to hear back about my application?" - Well, with the knowledge of the candidate's selection process, one will be informed of what is next in the employment process, therefore having a good idea of how to follow up on the application.

  • ¿Hay alguna otra información que considere importante para que yo conozca sobre la empresa o el puesto?

"Is there any other information that you think would be helpful for me to learn about the firm or position?" This question should be open-ended and should attempt to draw out more insight or details, which you may have inadvertently shut down, in order to ensure you are learning everything there is to learn about the firm and the position as a whole.

Bonus Tip 1:  Your CV in Spanish

A well-written CV is key to highlighting your qualifications and experiences in any job interviews.

Spanish companies from Spain used to prefer the Europass layout but they now accept any CV which is structured chronologically or functionally, is tailored to the job, includes a professional picture of the candidate and is brief—no more than two pages (1 page is preferable).


Here are some essential tips to ensure your CV stands out:

  • Professional Formatting. Use clear headings, bullet points, and a clean layout to make it easy to read.
  • Clear Personal Information. Personal information that is clear should always go at the top of your CV; it should include your name, contact information, and a professional photograph.
  • Education and Training. Write your educational background, including any degrees, certifications, or relevant coursework.
  • Foreign Languages. Specify your level and certificate(s) if in possession.
  • Relevant Working Experience. List everything in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent position.
  • Other Skills. Your skills and competencies are those which are relevant to the job. These might be technical or soft skills.

Bonus Tip 2: Spanish Interview Etiquette

Culture plays an important role in your job application so it is important that you consider the following etiquette recommendations for your Spanish interview.

  • Address the interviewer with the formal usted.

Not doing so can come out as extremely rude, so make sure you switch to the informal only if your interviewer asks you to do so.

  • Be punctual. Leave home early, and aim to arrive 15 minutes before your appointment.
  • Check the spelling and information on your CV and any other documents you bring with you.
  • Bring a pen and paper with you in case you need to jot something down.
  • Always respond truthfully.
  • Pay close attention to what your interviewer says.
  • Don’t forget to thank them for their time at the end of the job interview and, if appropriate, make a nice comment about it.
  • Follow up. Days following your interview, send a message or email to the recruiter expressing your interest.

Are You Ready to Ace Your Spanish Job Interview?

There it is, now you have all you need to nail your job interview in Spanish.

Go ahead and ace the interview now! ¡Suerte!


Fabia Parodi

Fabia Parodi  

Fascinated by foreign languages and cultures, Fabia Parodi was determined to be a polyglot since she was a child. Fluent in Italian, English, French and Spanish and competent in Mandarin Chinese, Fabia is an experienced language teacher, translator and multicultural marketing specialist. 

When in class, she always make sure to include graded and authentic materials in her lessons to expose students to foreign cultures and to introduce a more natural use of the language they are learning. The two things she loves more than languages are travelling and exchanging stories with people from all over the world.  

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